Inexplicably irrational. This description is as close as I can come to
understanding events of two
distinctly separate social contacts in the past two weekends. This description fits so well within
ongoing discourse on both national and local political levels that I find
myself reacting with sadness, hence the title of this writing. Permit me to explain.
First instance:
Last weekend, Mary Ellen and I were in a social setting where she was meeting some of my music colleagues for the first time. It is also the first
time for me, other than rehearsals and concerts, that I have been with this
group. One of the group was
chatting with Mary Ellen about backgrounds including number of children,
interests and activities such as people do upon initially meeting. Mary Ellen mentioned that she
volunteers her time at Resurrection House in Sarasota, a resource center for
the homeless established by a group of five churches. The person listening to Mary Ellen’s description went
off on a diatribe against the homeless in a terribly demeaning way that
suggested that such people are weak, undeserving and opportunistic, and thus
undeserving of help. “They could
get a job if they wanted to.” I
bit my lip as I refrained from asking this person if she thought that this is
what Romney meant when he spoke of the 47% of the people in our country who are ‘takers.’
Second instance:
I played golf yesterday with three other members of this fancy private
golf club I belong to which is safely ensconced within a gated community here
in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. When
we waited on a tee box for the group ahead of us to clear, I casually asked one
of the players, who was from Ann Arbor, Michigan, if he was excited about the
basketball game today between Michigan and Indiana which will decide the Big
Ten season championship. Both
teams are rated among the best in the country. My inquiry resulted in getting more information than I
bargained for. My seemingly
innocent question brought on a rant against blacks from all three of these
guys. Statements such as “If the
south had won the civil war there would be a lot of very tall garbage men,” and
“People in the north hate niggers as much as those in the south,” damn near
brought tears to my eyes. I might
say, incidentally, that the speaker of the first statement has a personalized
golf cart where his ‘lifetime member of NRA” decal is proudly displayed. Perhaps needless to say, the golf
course was hardly the time or place to discuss this issue, so I lamely responded,
“Not all whites, in the north or south, hate black people.” At least it was successful in ending
the conversation.
I am writing this because all of the people in both of these
experiences are ‘good’ people in that they are successful, talented, and smart. However, when it came to the discussion
of homeless or blacks, venom was dripping from their mouths. In light of the recent proclamation of
Justice Scalia during oral arguments that voting rights for blacks are an
entitlement (causing Justice Breyer to remind Scalia that the civil war is over)
these experiences make me truly sad; sad for me, sad for my country, sad for
those who bear the brunt of this hatred.
Just saying . . .