Those of you who have read my blog, Just Saying . . .(formerly The Last
Word) know that I have been an unabashed and unapologetic Obama fan since
the man declared his candidacy for president way back in 2007. My thinking was that here is a man of
ideas, a man who is unafraid of neither controversy nor criticism, as he headed
toward the White House. For the
most part, a trigger in my respect for the man was borne by the open and
frequent (too frequent) expressions of hatred of the man simply because his
skin was black. Looking back, it
was like our country was stepping back into it’s history of institutional
racism as the avowed goal and actions of the Republican party became the defeat
of anything Obama stood for at any and all costs. As two examples, I cite universal healthcare and background
checks for gun purchasers, both Republican initiatives in the 1990s, and we all
know where Republicans stand on those issues today. Early on, one of the mantras of the GOP was that Obama
talked a good game, but was unable to deliver. That inability to deliver was in no small part due to
Republican intransigence on anything and everything the man stood for. Labels like ‘socialist’ stuck like mud
to him because it allowed his haters a socially acceptable manner to dodge the
covert racism that formed the basis for anything Obama.
But . . . now, and it nearly breaks my heart to write this,
a pattern is emerging that suggests that the constant bullying of the GOP has
succeeded. The president, time and
time again, has abandoned his stated principles and our hope that somehow he
would be different from the ordinary politicians that grace our national
landscape. The poster child of my
examples is Guantanamo. One of the
first things he was going to do, he said during the first election campaign,
was to close this blighted stain on our democracy. Instead, the prison from which there is no apparent escape
or hope for fair hearings on detention is now a pathetic example of our blind
willingness to abandon any semblance of the fundamental bases upon which our
nation was founded. The striking
example of most of the inmates slowly starving themselves to death in protest
transmits a Nazi prison camp-like image, not only to me, but also, I strongly
suspect, to the rest of the world.
The same goes with presidential authorized droning resulting in the
killing of innocent by-standers on foreign soil. (Parenthetically, just think how we would all react if, for
example, Russia or Iran utilized drones hovering over the United States for the
purpose of killing American citizens).
The most recent example of the abandonment of principle is Obama’s
stated willingness to sign the GOP measure to relieve air travelers from the
ramifications of the sequestration, while totally ignoring the pllght of the
underfed children and families in our society whose only crime, apparently, is
to be poor and/or jobless.
C’mon man, stiffen your damn spine. Stand for something! Just saying . . .
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